Capstone - Indian School of Public Policy Capstone | Indian School of Public Policy Humane ClubMade in Humane Club
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The capstone is the penultimate academic exercise where scholars put to practice their learnings from courses and workshops to solve a real-world policy problem. First, they identify a policy challenge they want to solve and then use data to identify the root cause. Scholars will next develop a plan of action, which will include the reasons and techniques for intervention, as well as strategies to assess the effectiveness of their proposed solution.

This will serve as the foundation for a theory of change, which they will be required to create to comprehend how the intervention will achieve the intended results and predict possible responses from individuals or institutions. They will identify particular intervention points and explain tactics to build a successful intervention. The scholar should be able to identify the context and create an intervention that encourages people/institutions to modify their behaviour to accomplish the objectives indicated by the scholar. Faculty members and domain experts will mentor the scholars throughout the capstone process.

Shubhashis Gangopadhyay

Professor at ISPP, Founder & Research Director, India Development Foundation

Economics, Law & Economics, Policy Praxis Lab