In Conversation with Aswathy Dilip | ISPP In Conversation with Aswathy Dilip | Indian School of Public Policy Humane ClubMade in Humane Club
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In Conversation with Aswathy Dilip

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Aswathy Dilip is a Senior Programme Manager leading the Complete Streets strategy, policy, and projects work for the ITDP India Programme. With support from her smart and enthusiastic team, she works with the National, State and City governments, providing them technical assistance on sustainable and equitable urban mobility. Her most exciting work includes transforming congested roads into vibrant streets with space for all users, helping cities implement bold parking reforms, and building support for high-quality, sustainable mass transit. With a keen interest in citizen engagement, Aswathy has organised Car-Free Sundays, intersection design testing, as well as street and public space exhibitions. Currently, she leads the team working on the preparation of the Complete Streets toolkit for the National Smart City Mission. She is also actively involved in the training and capacity development of city officials, engineers and town planners in Complete Streets and parking management.

Recorded online in June, Aswathy takes us through her journey in the national challenge of redesigning streets to promote walking and cycling in India. Samir George talks to Ms. Dilip about two national programmes that she is working on – India Cycles4Change and Streets For People Challenge. She tells us about the role of national, state and city governments, the institutional resilience required to implement these policies and her learnings from her work!